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Keith is a well grounded business builder with a sharp sense of commercial reality. From his early beginnings in his family’s hospitality business he was able to develop his skills practically and at business school to start his own organisation. He founded a home services company that provided many services such as commercial painting, maintenance, tree removal and landscaping. He sought the assistance of a coach to accelerate his undertaking and found himself advising, mentoring and assisting other business owners in his professional circle on a range of business strategies. After selling his services company he made the natural transition into what has now been over 15 years in mentoring and coaching other business owners. He is a key partner of the Centre of Influence Asia Pacific Pty Ltd alongside Brett Burden and Michael Rady.
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At ActionCOACH, we understand it's essential that you achieve real results for you and your business. That's why we back our coaching programs with our ActionCOACH guarantee. As long as you follow our proven systems and complete all of the work and actions agreed upon in your sessions, our coaching programs are guaranteed to deliver the transformative outcomes you deserve. Ask your coach for full details.
Transform Your Business with Confidence
At ActionCOACH, we understand it's essential that you achieve real results for you and your business. That's why we back our coaching programs with our ActionCOACH guarantee. As long as you follow our proven systems and complete all of the work and actions agreed upon in your sessions, our coaching programs are guaranteed to deliver the transformative outcomes you deserve. Ask your coach for full details.