You’ve no doubt heard it all before: “Business coaching is great!” “It offers such a flexible lifestyle.” “I can set my own workload.” “I’m helping others and giving back to the community.” While all of this is one hundred per cent true, how do you know if business coaching is right for you? It takes a certain special someone to really excel as a business coach. If you’ve been thinking that business coaching is your next great career move, but you’re not really sure if it’s for you, here are 7 signs that you would make an excellent business coach.
1. You easily connect with others
It might be obvious, but easily connecting with other people is an essential part of what makes a good business coach. As a business coach, you want your clients to feel at ease with you as this allows them to be totally honest with you. Honesty between you and your client is vital if you want to make a difference and help your client succeed. If you are inherently good at resonating with people, then you already have the makings of a great business coach.
2. You are looking for a flexible lifestyle
If you’re looking for a flexible lifestyle with the ability to choose your own workload and work hours, you should definitely consider business coaching. Chances are, you’ve had a long and successful career, and you’re thinking it’s now time to pull in the reigns and have more time to do the things you enjoy. And, since your career was so successful, you now want to impart some wisdom and guide others on their business journey.
3. People often come to you for guidance
Chances are, people are coming to you for guidance because you’re seen as a leader in your field. Not only that, they probably find you a very wise, empathetic and friendly person – they trust you and your opinion. So, if you’re already giving out advice for free, why not get paid to do it? If you already have people coming to you , to ask for your career advice, chances are there are countless other people out there willing to pay you for your time and guidance.
4. You possess an inherent need to create
Good business coaches possess and intrinsic desire to create. They understand the importance of having an open mind, as well as consistently exposing themselves to new information in their field that they can then go and teach to clients. A good business coach is inventive and creative in how they work with clients to achieve their business goals. If you enjoy thinking outside the box and teaching in fun and unique ways, you’d make an excellent business coach.
5. You’re a great listener
Knowing when it’s your turn to listen and not speak is a very important quality to possess as a business coach. Despite the fact that your role is as the ‘expert’ – it’s vital that you don’t regard your opinions and advice as the one and only answer. As a business coach, you need to engage with your clients and constantly ask for their thoughts, feedback and any ideas they might have. If people often tell you that you’re a great listener, and you are open minded to other people’s ideas, you are on the right track to being a successful business coach.
6. You inspire and move people to action
Do you find that your words often inspire and move people to action? Arguably, this is the most important attribute a business coach can have. If you are passionate about your work, your clients will absorb that passion into their own business. In order to move people to action, you need to also be a good communicator. If you can effectively communicate the thoughts and ideas you have for your client, it’s more likely they will be inspired to take action in their own business.
7. You want to make a difference in the lives of others
There are a lot of amazing benefits of becoming a business coach, but for many, the ability to make a difference in the lives of others takes the cake. If you’re looking for the chance to coach the future generation and help your clients thrive, chances are business coaching is for you. One of the fundamental characteristics of a successful business coach is a passion and desire to help others succeed. As a business coach, you have the ability to empower your clients to take action through motivation, inspiration and guidance. After all, you’ve been an expert in your field for many years, and now it’s time to impart that wisdom onto others.
The next steps
A business coach also has an innate ability to uncover what makes someone motivated and then foster action. Clicklhere to book a fte
gy session today!