ActionCOACH Blogs - ActionCOACH Australia

Your Training as ActionCOACH - ActionCOACH Australia and New Zealand

Written by ActionCOACH | Apr 18, 2024 1:21:07 AM

Business coaching franchises are not created equal when it comes to training or support. Becoming an ActionCOACH sets you up for success as a business coach and as a business owner.

As with running any business, you have to get to know your market, understand your potential customers, be knowledgeable about the services you offer, know how to use the franchise toolbox, and know your way around the IT systems. To be up and running as quickly as possible, you need training.

ActionCOACH’s training is unparalleled and the ongoing support is unmatched in the industry. Your training as an ActionCOACH is split into four parts, covering every aspect of running your own business and to becoming a fully-fledged, capable coach.

Pre Training

Your orientation begins with the Global Foundation Programme which kicks off eight weeks before your 10 day certification training. The Global Foundation Programme covers the fundamentals of business coaching which is highly beneficial to everyone, in particular those who are entering the field for the first time. You will learn through books, videos and worksheets. Running in tandem with the Global Foundation Programme is the Regional Foundation Programme which will equip you to set up your business and use the ActionCOACH systems effectively. Once you have completed the foundation programmes, you will be ready to tackle your 10 day certification training.

10 Day Certification Training

This is when you get into the real nitty gritty of becoming an ActionCOACH. This highly intensive part of your training will be conducted by three of our MasterCOACHes who have extensive experience in running businesses and as business coaches. They will cover the three key areas of running a successful ActionCOACH business namely; Working with Mindset; Business Coaching, encompassing our tools and systems, and Operations, which will equip you to actually run your business.

Because ActionCOACH believes that goal setting is a crucial step towards achieving your highest aspirations, our Franchise Support Manager will have a three hour session with you following your certification training. During this session, you will discuss your aspirations and set your goals for the next 30, 60 and 90 days.

Post Induction Training and Support

To entrench what you have learned during your induction training and to instill a deeper understanding of ActionCOACH and the business coaching process, you will participate in a structured online programme of 15 minutes a day. This will help to reinforce your knowledge, build confidence in your capabilities and keep you on track as a successful coach. You will also benefit from a Scheduled CEO Call each month for your first three months, another call on your sixth month and thereafter at six monthly intervals at a minimum.

New Coach Webinars also take place on a monthly basis. These global webinars are conducted by experienced ActionCOACHES on an array of topics that are relevant to you on your journey as a new business coach.

If you miss one, you can access prerecorded webinars in our library when it suits you. Our Fortnightly Coaches Group Call is a great opportunity to connect, share knowledge and ask help from our team of Australia and New Zealand coaches.

Ongoing Training and Support

With ActionCOACH, you are never left out in the cold. Becoming part of the ActionCOACH family immediately connects you to a global community of professionally certified experts. The franchise as well as senior coaches and other business coaches within the franchise become your support network for mentorship and even simply for bouncing ideas. It is always helpful to have someone with experience to turn to for advice. You also have access to a vast library of learning material, videos, webinars, forums, events and live courses.

You can also participate in various programmes such as the Upskills Programme, the Pay It Forward Mentoring Programme and the Support Buddy Programme which is especially beneficial for new coaches seeking to connect with other coaches.

The Support Buddy Programme is quarterly and is designed to connect you with our team. Each quarter new coaches are teamed up with a new support buddy where you connect for 20 minutes each month to share and get to know other coaches in the network. This is a networking opportunity designed to connect and build relationships.

The next steps

The best people to learn from are those who have tread this path before you and made a success of it. You have all the tools, training and support that you need to make a success of your ActionCOACH business.

Strive for continuous learning and improvement. Participate in the training programmes that are available to you and find a mentor. The very best ActionCOACHes enjoyed the mentorship of senior coaches when they first started out and continue to seek guidance from them. You can enjoy this too! Click here to book a free strategy session!